Automobile Association Singapore Case Study
Automobile Association Singapore is the leading provider of Roadside Assistance Service (RAS) and the voice of motorists. In addition to its motoring-related services, AA Singapore organises driving holidays and a comprehensive selection of motoring and lifestyle workshops.
AA Singapore is affiliated to the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), which represents the motoring interests of more than 200 member associations in over 140 countries. Through this affiliation, AA Members can expect the same level of motoring convenience and assistance when they drive overseas.

Increase signups in memberships and service offerings provided by Automobile Association Singapore.
Using a content strategy, paired with the use of lead ads enabled us to gain traction and get signups. We worked closely with the AAS team to entice an increased number of sign ups with the use of free gifts.

297% rise in no. of leads
221% Increase in
website traffic
Consistent ROI from advertisement

AD 1

AD 2

Solution: Strategic Purchase of Social Media Ads
Facebook and Instagram ads were ran in different formats. All ads included a call-to-action button: Buy Now buttons - to increase clicks to the brand's shopping platform and drive sales, or Follow buttons to increase the follower base.